Monday, March 26, 2012

counting our relationship

hari : senin
cuaca : hujan. panas.

when I see the right side of this blog
my heart will whisper '. . hope this relationship will remain for long. .'
Amin. . .
Thank you..

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I was lucky one but not now

hari : ahad (bila hari ni dah datang dlm hidup aku, gelabah lah)
current activity : buat past year LAW

dulu, i was the lucky one
the one who get your attention
the one who you'll share together
laugh together, sad together...
almost together

but now,
I'm not the lucky one anymore
I'm just a last person who exist in your life
You not finding me and share with me anymore

You are the lucky
I'm happy for you

Guy, I love you and happy with this relationship...
keep on happiness...

Every heart has a pain. Only the way of expressing it is different. Fools hide it in eyes, while the brilliant hide it in their smile.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

luorg ni memg kan!

hari : rabu
cuaca : panas


hari ni saya nak bercerita tentang orang kampung. orang kampung here means keluarga saya di Morocco ni, AM228 2B...

mereka ni memang kecoh. lagi-lagi kalau bab usik orang. aku pun terkena, jadi kita layankan je. barulah sedap sikit! ada patut dyorg usik aku dgn budak baru tu, abis skandal aku yg lama nak letak mana? macam mana kalau dy tahu aku berpaling arah? tak konfius aku nak fikir.. tolonglah~~

dah masuk sem 2 ni, baru aku add orang kampung. tapi tu pun tak semua lah. maaf >.<

ni aku nak tunjuk bukti-bukti nya.. siap post kt wall.. malu lah~~
tapi jgn risau org-org kampung, kita gurau-gurau je kan..

see~ they makes me shock, then laugh!

tapi lagi. . .
i'll let my king know about it~~~

Sunday, March 18, 2012

please-3x, kamu jgn sentap!

hari: ahad
mode: panas

this entry i want to dedicated to one of my beloved friend, Cik Ainaa Abdul Aziz...


i'm so sorry about yesterday,
i have made you feel so sad,
i'm sorry,
i dont mean that,
just. . .
i'm bit angry when you told me like that,
i call your celcom,
but mak cik lain yg pick the call,
i'm not text you
not because i forgot about you
i'm not call you
not because i dont want to befriend with you
my time and condition not give me to do that
i love you so the others...

i hope you understand
and forgive me,,
knowing you, loving you
is anugerah for me
i really appreciate it

i love you strongly...

p/s : to all my 'der'

i love you 2, 3, 4 . . . till jannah~~

our memories bear in my mind, lighten in my heart. . .

Saturday, March 17, 2012

hari : jumaat
cuaca : gelap

sejak beberapa hari ini, saya merasakan mood saya tidak menentu. mungkinkah kerana penat? tapi kebiasaannya ini bukan masalah bagi saya atau mungkin ada yang terhutang dari minggu lepas. saya pendam dan tidak melepaskan rasa itu. macam mana saya nak lepaskan, apa pandangan orang lain terhadap saya nanti? kalaulah ibu dekat, boleh cerita terus je kat ibu. ni tak, kena reload.. tak seronok, duit pun abis lah.. nak mengadu pada kawan, mereka ada masalah lain jugak. kesian~

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

my answer is yes!

hari : rabu
mode : ???

petang tadi, saya ada kelas tutorial ADS 460 ( management and its practices ) with Miss Marni.. she asked us on chapter 1 that we had covered with Madam Nasyrah. everyone answer the question given. then, she asked us to write on piece of paper about....

" ... do you want to be a manager...? explain... "

she gave us about 30 minute to prepared with answer.. then, after we have write about our opinion, she called one by one to tell the rest.. okay, we start with ain nabila.. her answer is yes and she come out with a good opinion which more focus in her life in future especially in marriage. she want to be a good role model to her child. then one by one tell about their answer whether yes or no. and i'm so lucky to call and share my answer.

by standing in front of the others, i share my answer...

" ... my answer is yes.

i want to be a manager because i want other people or employees respect me and work together with me. i want to challenge myself to carry the responsible in order to achieve the organization's goal. besides that, i want to feel how the feeling of given order to the people under me. i want a big salary and for me it is a reward after i struggle in this 15 years of studying.

if i be a manager, i will be a good and friendly manager so that my employees will enjoy working with me. so, hardwork never hurt to be a manager.

thank you. .... "

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

thank you damn much

hari : isnin
mode : bintang takde hari ni.. Farra ckp kalau takde, esok masih kena sekolah~

Sunday, March 11, 2012

sourly sunday

hari : sunday

i feel something that not makes me feel good and happy after i have through this for one week, after i have get somethingform my friend, even i've call ibu but after i end the conversation that feeling comes to me again, after i heard others laughing.. what happen to me or what just happen around me?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

dah tak sama lagi

hari : sabtu
mode : trut tut tut tut

sepintas lalu... cerita dari bilik sebelah

A : kau ada paku lagi tak?
B : ada.
A : mintak sikit.
B : tukul kau nak tak?
A : nak la, dah tu nak ketuk pakai apa?

tiba-tiba, C menyampuk...

C : A kau la patutnya cakap "... nak pinjam tukul n nak minta paku..." , ni tak kau tanya ada paku lagi tak. kau lah yg salah ayat.

dalam hati C berkata " what kind of question da yg dia tanya... %&*@##~~~~

sorry bagi sesiapa yg terasa..

dah hilang mood + idea nak tulis entri