hari: ahad
mode: panas
this entry i want to dedicated to one of my beloved friend, Cik Ainaa Abdul Aziz...

i'm so sorry about yesterday,
i have made you feel so sad,
i'm sorry,
i dont mean that,
just. . .
i'm bit angry when you told me like that,
i call your celcom,
but mak cik lain yg pick the call,
i'm not text you
not because i forgot about you
i'm not call you
not because i dont want to befriend with you
my time and condition not give me to do that
i love you so the others...
i hope you understand
and forgive me,,
knowing you, loving you
is anugerah for me
i really appreciate it
i love you strongly...
p/s : to all my 'der'
i love you 2, 3, 4 . . . till jannah~~

our memories bear in my mind, lighten in my heart. . .