cuaca: cerah
kalau luorg betul2 follower tegar belog wa kan, mesti luorg perasan entri wa yg akhir2 ni memang macam sejibik minah tengah 'jatuh buai' la kan. wa pun tak tahu kenapa. tapi boleh lah...
merujuk entri wa yang bertajuk HANESHA'S STORY tu, wa ada pesanan untuk kekasih gelap. walaupun dia tak tahu wa ada belog, wa cerita pasal dia. sebelum tu, nak bagi detail tentang kekasih gelap lah sikit..nanti luorg pening macam ibu2 pregnant pulak tak paham...
serba-serbi about kekasih gelap
nama : boy ( bukan nama sebenar )
umur : under 18
tu je lah,,
dear Boy,
i dont know whether u are serious or not with that girl, but based on what i see u are like her and always want together with her. when she is on her duty, u will help her even the duty is no need anyone else to help her. i dont understand why is this happen? she already have a boyfriend. why is she tell u a past story about her bf? to get a symphaty? or she is the girl which likes many boy pay attention to her? where is the segan silu? when u come to her, she always will make her perangai gedix. i hate her because of her attitude. i dont care if u dont like me, i also not hoping u will like me as much as i like u,, but if u want to find a gf..please, i beg u. dont choose her..although it just a gf but u still have to choose it carefully. at least, who know it will guide u.

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